Revolution #60, September 10, 2006


Plans for Oct. 5—Day of Mass Resistance

Sept. 7: World Can’t Wait Holds Organizing Meetings Around the Country

On September 7, 2006, at 7 p.m., The World Can’t Wait—Drive Out the Bush Regime will hold public meetings “in every city where World Can’t Wait has organization, and in many cities where it doesn’t yet.”

Participants will hear from noted speakers and organizers, and will make bold and necessary plans for October 5th actions aimed at bringing to a halt the crimes and horrors of the Bush Regime. has a full listing of locations and speakers for the September 7 meetings, which include:

New York

7-9 p.m.
Metropolitan Community Church of New York
446 W 36th St
New York, NY 10018
Take the A/C/E/1/N/R/Q/V/F train to 34th St.
Walk to 36th and then walk west of 9th Ave
Church is on the south side of the street
To contact organizers: 212-969-0772


San Francisco

7-9 p.m.
LGBT Community Center, Rainbow Room, 1800 Market St, (@ Octavia), San Francisco
For information or to get involved call
Speakers include:
Daniel Ellsberg, author of The Pentagon Papers


7 p.m.
Columbia College, Hokin Hall, 623 S Wabash in the Loop
Call 773-227-2453 or email now to find out more.


Los Angeles

7 p.m.
Immanuel Presbyterian Church,

Downstairs Conference Room, 3300 Wilshire Blvd. at Berendo, just west of Vermont Ave

Speaker: Rev Richard “Meri Ka Ra” Byrd—Krst Unity Center


7 p.m.
Trinity United Methodist Church
6512 23rd Avenue Northwest
Ballard, Seattle, Washington 98117

Speaker: Bob Watada, father of Lt. Ehren Watada, who is the first commissioned officer to publicly refuse to be deployed in Iraq’s war and occupation.

Recently, prominent voices have spoken out urging people to get with and organize for World Can’t Wait. They include:

Ralph Nader in CounterPunch, September 2, 2006

“The no-fault-Bush and Cheney have every intention of continuing the loss of the lives of American soldiers and the bloody casualties among Iraqis until they hand the situation in Iraq over to their successors in January 2009. Mr. Bush has said as much a few weeks ago.

“He will never withdraw our troops and close our military bases no matter what the cost to our country and its ignored critical necessities here at home.

“So, taking the lead in full page advertisements in The New York Times is a new group by the name of The World Can’t Wait. They are not waiting for Congress to impeach Bush. They want a mass mobilization to make Bush/Cheney resign. Richard Nixon resigned and Vice President, Spiro Agnew, resigned for causes far less momentous than the crimes of these stubborn recidivists in control of our federal government.”

Gore Vidal on Air America, August 30, 2006

“So you don’t even have to win the election now, actually—all you have to do is rig it. Now this means that the voice of the people—if anyone cares—may never be heard again. Because the machinery can be tampered with, and has been tampered with, with great success. So there we are, and what do you do about them? Well, I think this demonstration they’re planning for October 5th is really to say, well, the sense of the people, since we really don’t have representation by and large, ‘this is our view about these wars.’ Altogether too many Americans are being killed and foreigners who have the ill luck to come our way are also being slaughtered. It’s time it’s stopped.”

Ray McGovern on Air America, September 2, 2006

“On October 5, we hope to raise up the whole country. You see, what happened in Germany they waited till the ‘propitious time,’ and it became too late. And if we know anything from history, we know, as Martin Luther King said once, there is such a thing as too late. There’s quite enough evidence here to convict the president of war crimes and crimes against humanity, but if somebody doesn’t rise up and say that—out loud without any fear or favor—we will be lost. And we can’t depend on the Democrats and the Democratic Party. We need to give them a good boost and get them to speak for the people.”

“The attempt is to do something new and different. Something akin to what the Polish dissidents did to eventually throw down a very unjust and illegal government. The idea is that something extraordinary is needed because these are indeed extraordinary times where the president is acting as though he were king and the other two branches of government seem to be acquiescing in that. There are also hopeful signs but without massive—massive participation—massive demonstration of interest in this whole thing like we had during Vietnam, it’s not going to be easy to turn the tide. Unlike some of my colleagues, I have a lot of hope for what will happen in November and that hope is that—you can fool a certain percentage of the people some of the time—but I have great faith in the basic common sense of the American people. And assuming the voting machines are not fixed as they have been in the past, I have hope that things are going to change. But that hope at the same time gives me great fear of the period of the next two months because God knows what this crowd will come upon as a September or October Surprise. It may begin with Iran.”

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